What is a good bifacial project? What should I watch out for?

What is a good bifacial project? What should I watch out for?

While designing a bifacial project we can distinguish 3 main parameters. 1 / the bifaciality coefficient which is intrinsic to the cell technology used. It is the ratio of rear power to front power. FYI, polycrystalline (~ 65-70%), monocrystalline type-P (70-75%), type-N (85-90%) 2 / the albedo which is the amount of light reflected on the ground, it depends on the nature of the reflection surface and its distance from the back of the module. A height greater than 0.80-1m is recommended for good bifaciality. 3 / the system design in order to optimize the amount of light collected from the rear and avoid shading (inclination, orientation, spacing of rows or tables of modules).

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