Après-vente et Exploitation
What is a hotspot?
Hotspots or "hot spots" are isolated thermal dissipations detectable only by thermal camera which can be created by several things. First of all a part or all of a shaded cell will become a load, therefore a resistive zone which will heat up. A ...
What is a snail trail?
Literally "snail traces", these module defects are linked to an internal electrochemical reaction between several elements of the constituent materials. They do not necessarily induce a direct drop in power, but the phenomenon should be monitored ...
What shall I do if I spot an underperformance on my PV Plant?
We offer a PV diagnostic service which allows to investigate step by step the causes of the underperformance. The first consists of a documentary study and data inspection (analysis of the plant, monitoring data, measurement reports, etc.) then an ...
What if I receive a defective product?
We consider two types of defects on a panel: the product defect and the performance defect. The product defect encompasses everything related to the integrity of the product. This may be broken (broken or scratched glass, folded frame ...), ...