Produits et Technologie
A new type of degredation found in TOPCon : should you be worried ?
TOPCon Technology (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) has gradually established itself as the dominant technology in the photovoltaic market, driven by significant advancements in conversion efficiency and economic competitiveness. However, this rise ...
TOPCon Case Study: Glass/Backsheet vs. Dual Glass
The evolution of photovoltaic module structures has been marked by the transition from glass-backsheet to dual-glass, largely driven by durability concerns and the rise of bifacial cells. While glass-backsheet design dominated until 2019 due to its ...
What are bypass diodes and why are they important for a solar cell?
When a cell is shaded it produces less current and then impacted all the others connected in serie. This results in a loss of power delivered by the module but also a risk of hotspot due to the fact that the polarity of the shaded cell is reversed ...
What is LETID (light and elevated temperature degradation)?
LETID is a degradation mechanism of PV modules exposed to high temperature and a light simultaneously over a long time. Up to 10% degradation are generally observed. PV manufacturers have been optimizing their process to mitigate this effect ...
What is a low reflectance module?
Low reflectance modules are modules with a different type of glas. The glas is textured, so it will not reflect the irradiation of the sun directly. Due to the textured surface the reflected light has no main direction. The french direction of public ...
What are STC (Standard Test Conditions) and NOCT (Normal Operating Cell Temperature)?
Standard test conditions are used to compare different modules with each other. EN 60904-3 standard define the irradiance to 1000W/m² cell temperature of 25°C. It is important to keep in mind, that those conditions are rarely observed on site in ...
What is the short circuit current (ISC)?
Short circuit means, that the positive and negative pole of the modules circuit are connected together. The electrical potential is equivalent to 0 and the current is maximised. The short circuit current is approximately proportional to the ...
What is the open circuit voltage (VOC)?
Open circuit means, that the module is not fully connected to an electrical load. So, the open circuit voltage is the electrical potential of the module without a flowing current. The radiation has only a small influence on the open circuit voltage. ...
What is Vmpp?
Vmpp is the voltage of the module at the maximum power point. At this point the module produces the most possible amount of electrical power for the actual radiation. Similar to the open circuit voltage, the maximum power voltage depends mostly on ...
What is Impp?
Impp is the current of the module at the maximum power point. At this point the module produces the most possible amount of electrical power for the actual radiation. For more information on our products, please visit : ...
What is heterojunction? Which advantages do heterojunction cells have?
Heterojunction is another type of structure of a solar cell. It is a combination of 2 technologies, a base layer of crystalline polysilicon in between 2 layers or amorphous polysilicon. This structure allows to collect more energy out of the solar ...
What is N-Type-/ P-Type?
Most PV cells manufactured today are called P-type. The body of the cell is doped with Boron while its front surface is doped with Phosphorus in order to create the P-N junction which is the source of electrical production. For an N-type cell it is ...
What is MBB?
MBB technology stands for Multi Bus Bar. It features of 9 or 12 thin circular wires instead of the usual 5 flat ribbons for electrical interconnection of cells. The circular shape increases the light collected by internal reflection while its very ...
What is POE?
The POE comes from Polyolefin elastomer which is more and more used to replace EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate). This polymer is preferred today because it is much less sensitive to PID.
What is glass-glass?
The term glass / glass designates a module made up of cells encapsulated between two sheets of glass, usually 2.5mm.
What is LID?
The "Light Induced Degradation" or "LID" is as its name suggests a degradation of the power of the module during the first hours of exposure to light. This is due to the creation of B-O complexes (Boron and Oxygen atoms) which have the effect of ...
What is ARC (anti reflective coating)?
The ARC layer for "Anti-Reflection Coating" is a chemical treatment carried out both on the glass and on the PV cells in order to reduce the phenomenon of light reflection thereby increasing the efficiency of the panel. For more informations on our ...
What is floating PV?
As its name suggests, floating PV designates a photovoltaic power plant installed on a floating structure usually anchored to the ground or to the shore. For more information on our products, please visit :
What is shingled cells?
A "shingled-cells" module is a module made up of strips of laser-cut cells that are overlapped like tiles. The contact between cells takes place without metallic interconnection. The active surface therefore the yield per m² is improved and we gain a ...
What is half cells?
A "half-cell" module is a module assembled with half-cut cells through a laser process and then interconnected. The advantage is the reduction of the resistive losses of the modules because the current in the module is divided by 2. We usually see a ...
What is PID?
"Potential Induced Degradation" is a phenomenon of severe deterioration in panel performance (15 to 30%) which has gained momentum in recent years. This loss of power is created by a potential difference between the panels in series and the frames of ...
What is a .PAN file?
A *.pan file is a file extension of the PVSYST software which groups all the characteristics of the panel, notably electrical, in order to simulate the production of a PV system as a whole. These files are usually available from manufacturers. We can ...
What is PERC?
ERC is a high-efficiency cell technology widely produced today, whether in poly, monolike or monocrystalline. The major innovation is the addition of an anti-reflection layer and a dielectric layer on the back of the cell which acts as a "mirror" and ...
What are the differences between Poly and Mono?
Polycrystalline and monocrystalline are distinguished by the ingot casting method. The first is the result of a multidirectional crystallization in a crucible of cubic shape while the second comes from the method called "Czochralski or CZ" with which ...
What is bifacial?
The bifacial designates the capacity of a module or rather its cells to capture both light from the front side but also from the rear side. This results in a performance gain which is directly linked to the cell technology used but also to the design ...
What is albedo?
Albedo is the ability of a surface to reflect light intensity, it is a figure between 0 and 1. Example: Fresh snow = 0.75 to 0.90. Surface area of a lake 0.02-0.04. In the case of bifacial photovoltaics, the higher the albedo the better the bifacial ...
What is the nominal Power of a bifacial module (front side only or front + back sides) How is it calculated?
In general, the power on the front panel is indicated on the label. If the manufacturer so wishes, he can also display the equivalent bifacial power if he clearly indicates the flashing conditions (nominal power measurement) of the panel. Usually the ...